Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Indonesia over-reacts to ETAN protest in San Francisco

Indonesia over-reacts to ETAN protest in San Francisco

Comment by Made Supraitma

Made Supriatma is an independent scholar and regular contributor to IndoProgess.

Feb. 16, 2016 - Today, President Jokowi visited the city of San Francisco. He was in the United States to attend a consultation meeting between the government of the United States and ASEAN. The meeting was held in the city of Palm Springs. Jokowi then took time to stop in San Francisco, possibly to make up for his failure to pay a visit to the West Coast during his visit to the U.S. last year. At that time, he shortened his visit due to catastrophic wildfires.

This afternoon, he met with the people who are members of an organization called Diaspora Indonesia. There was also a protest on that occasion. They raised posters that shouted their concerns about some of the issues that should be considered by the president. One banner urged him to "Reject Reclamation Benoa Bay." Other issues included  human rights violations in Papua, the oppressed religious minorities such as Ahmadis and Shias, and the LGBT issues that are now emerging. Incidentally, San Francisco is the one of the most tolerant and supportive cities in America for LGBT people and their struggles.

The President and his aides who participated in the visit might have been surprised, wondering why local issues such as "Reject Reclamation Benoa Bay" sail away to the United States? That's because this issue is no longer a local issue. It is an international matter.

I doubt whether the president and his entourage had a chance to ask or especially reflect on an answer. They were too busy. Tomorrow they will meet with officials of tech companies (some of them LGBT!). But it would be a big mistake for the president and his entourage ignore these issues.

I just heard some stories that did  preoccupy the president's entourage. A few days before his arrival, consular officers were busy contacting comrades planning the protest. They even send SMS messages saying, "Boss, there were guests from Jakarta who want to see you. Let's coffee-coffee."  The Jakarta "guests" were from BIN (Indonesia's intelligence bureau). Brothers and sisters, you know it would be the greatest stupidity on the face of this earth to want to have coffee with the BIN! Is not it? Remember the case of Munir, who was poisoned cowardly when invited to drink coffee? Ha, that's him ...

During the action Jokowi's entourage did other annoying things, Officers from Paspampres (presidential security force) tried to  prohibit the demonstration in front of the venue. What happened? San Francisco local police intervened, saying the demonstrators had a permit. This is America! Not Indonesia! Paspampres retreated.

Also annoying was the behavior of BIN. They tried to ask the names of the participants in the action, where they live, how long they have been in America, and so forth. Then out of nowhere, they began to call the name of one of the participants in the action in a very provocative manner.

I think as a matter of free speech we suffered a setback at the time of Jokowi's visit. I remember the [September 2012] demonstration against SBY in New York . Indonesian spies did not dare to approach. They just take photos from across the street. They did organize a counter demonstration and accused us of being paid protesters. This accusation was met with a very sweet by John M. Miller, ETAN coordinator, "We do not rent the crowd here in the U.S., but we do not mind to take your money. ETAN needs money for campaigning."
Intelligence was contrived to provide an early warning about the opponents of foreign states and countries, especially those who would undermine the existence of the state, not to silence opposition or pressue those who disagree with the government to change their minds. Jokowi, I think government should be reminded of that.

My honeymoon with Jokowi's reign is over. I wait for you in New York, Mr. President!

see also San Francisco Protest: Demand President Jokowi Support Justice for All

Bahasa Indonesia

San Francisco: Hari ini, Presiden Jokowi menyambangi kota San Francisco. Dia ada di Amerika Serikat untuk menghadiri pertemuan konsultasi antara pemerintah Amerika Serikat dengan ASEAN. Pertemuan konsultasi itu diadakan di kota Palm Spring. Jokowi menyempatkan diri singgah di San Francisco. Ini mungkin untuk menebus kegagalannya berkunjung ke Pantai Barat dalam kunjungannya ke Amerika tahun lalu. Saat itu, dia memperpendek kunjungannya karena bencana kebakaran hutan.

Sore tadi, dia bertemu dengan masyarakat yang tergabung dalam organisasi yang bernama Diaspora Indonesia. Pada kesempatan itu, ikut nimbrung pula kelompok pencinta Indonesia. Mereka mengangkat poster yang menjeritkan keprihatinan mereka terhadap beberapa hal yang patut diperhatikan oleh presiden. Salah satu isu yang mereka usung adalah "Tolak Reklamasi Teluk Benoa." Disamping isu-isu lainnya seperti soal pelanggaran HAM di Papua, soal kelompok minoritas yang selalu ditindas seperti Ahmadiyah dan Syiah, serta isu LGBT yang sekarang sedang marak. Kebetulan San Franscisco adalah satu kota di Amerika yang sangat toleran terhadap LGBT dan perjuangan mereka.

Presiden dan para pembantunya yang ikut dalam kunjungan itu patut heran. Mengapa isu lokal seperti "Tolak Reklamasi Teluk Benoa" berlayar jauh hingga ke Amerika Serikat? Itu karena persoalan ini tidak lagi menjadi persoalan lokal. Ini adalah soal internasional.

Tapi saya ragu juga, apakah presiden dan rombongannya itu sempat bertanya. Apalagi berefleksi untuk mencari jawab. Mereka terlalu sibuk. Besok mereka akan bertemu dengan para petinggi perusahan teknologi (beberapa dari antara mereka LGBT!). Tapi akan salah besar kalau presiden dan rombongannya mengabaikan isu-isu ini.

Saya hanya mendengar beberapa cerita yang tidak asyik soal rombongan presiden ini. Beberapa hari sebelum ini, petugas-petugas konsulat sibuk menghubungi kawan-kawan yang akan berdemo. Mereka bahkan mengirim SMS yang isinya, "Boss, ada tamu dari Jakarta ingin ketemu. Ayo kita ngopi-ngopi." Yang ingin bertemu kabarnya adalah orang BIN. Seperti Sodara-sodara ketahui, ketololan paling besar di muka bumi ini adalah mau diajak ngopi bareng orang BIN! Iya kan? Masih inget dengan kasus Munir, yang diracun secara pengecut ketika diajak minum kopi? Ha, itulah dia "

Saat aksi tadi juga ada hal menjengkelkan. Petugas Paspampres melarang demo di depan hotel. Apa yang terjadi? Polisi lokal San Francisco turun tangan. Para pendemo ini memiliki ijin. Ini Amerika! Bukan Indonesia. Paspampres pun mundur teratur.

Namun yang menjengkelkan adalah laler-laler dari BIN. Mereka berusaha bertanya nama-nama peserta aksi, dimana mereka tinggal, sudah berapa lama di Amerika, dan lain sebagainya. Entah tahu darimana, mereka mulai memanggil nama salah satu peserta aksi dengan cara yang sangat provokatif.

Saya kira, soal kebebasan berpendapat ini kita mengalami kemunduran di jaman Jokowi ini. Saya pernah mendemo SBY di New York. Intel-intel Indonesia tidak berani mendekat. Mereka hanya mengambil foto dari seberang jalan. Mereka memang mengorganisir demo tandingan dan menuduh kami sebagai demonstran bayaran. Tuduhan ini dibalas dengan sangat manis oleh John Miller, ketua ETAN, "We don't rent crowd here in the U.S. but we don't mind to take your money. ETAN has no money for campaigning."

Intelijen itu dibikin untuk memberi peringatan dini soal lawan-lawan dari negara terutama negara asing dan mereka yang hendak meruntuhkan eksistensi negara. Bukan untuk membungkam oposisi atau memprovokasi mereka yang berbeda pendapat dengan pemerintah. Saya kira pemerintahan Jokowi harus sadar soal itu.

Bulan madu saya dengan pemerintahan Jokowi sudah berakhir. Saya tunggu Anda di New York, Tuan Presiden!

1 comment:

  1. Coverage of the demonstration

    Kabari News: Aksi Diam Aktivis Indonesia di AS
    Suarabali: Di Amerika, Jokowi Disambut Demo Tolak Reklamasi
    ETAN: Indonesia over-reacts to ETAN protest in San Francisco
    Asia Pacific Report: President Widodo greeted by protests over Bali plan in San Francisco
    Viva: Datang ke San Fransisco, Jokowi Disambut Unjuk Rasa
