UPDATE: Both East Timorese runners finished the New York Marathon yesterday. Augusto finished 249th overall and 214 of the men. His time was 2:47:10. Agueda was 17531 overall, 3970 among the women with a time of 4:08:15. Both ran slower than their normal times, perhaps affected by the chill New York air. 42,000 participated.

We plan to meet up at the corner of 4th Ave. and Bergen St. in Brooklyn at 10 am to wave Timor flags and otherwise show our support. By gathering at 10 (don't forget to change your clocks the night before to end daylight savings) we will have time to find it other and get settled before the Timorese runners pass by. (Nearest subway is Pacific St/ Atlantic Ave.)
Call 917-690-4391 if you can't find us.
Two of Timor's top runners are participating: Augusto Ramos (race number 279) and Olympic veteran Agueda Amaral (213). Augusto came in second in Dili's first Marthon for Peace in June. Agueda represented not-yet-independent East Timor (Timor-Leste) in the 2000 Olympic games in Sydney. CNN described her arrival in the stadium for the final laps as "the most moving moment" of the race. She also ran in the 2004 Athens games.
More information about Timor's participation in the NY Marathon can be found here.
UPDATE: Follow the Timorese runners by SMS or on the web. sign up here http://bit.ly/31rOoJ [Agueda Amaral (bib 213) and Augusto is listed as Augusto Soares (279)]
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